Project Description
The US 85 Four Lane Project includes the expansion of this highway from two to four lanes from Watford City to Williston. The first phase, from Watford City to north of Alexander, was completed in 2014. Phases two and three were completed in 2015, including the roadway beginning at County Road 16 as well as additional segments from north of Alexander to Williston.
Additional phases of this project include the replacement of the Lewis and Clark Bridge, the completion of upgrading US 85 near the Lewis and Clark Bridge to four lanes and the addition of a four lane wildlife crossing a few miles south of the bridge. More information about the wildlife crossing will be available mid-summer when this portion of the project begins.
Crews have begun construction of the new bridge and construction is expected to be completed at the end of the 2016 construction season. More information about the Lewis and Clark Bridge portion of the project can be found on a dedicated page on this website.
US Highway 85 Wildlife Crossing
Current Project Status
Construction work is resuming on the Lewis and Clark Bridge south of Williston, including utility work and box culvert replacement. Crews will be working on construction of additional driving lanes and a median to create a four-lane highway just south of Williston after the new Lewis and Clark Bridge is completed. These four lanes will allow more free-flowing traffic with the addition of turn lanes to the roadway.
The NDDOT asks motorists to please slow down and obey the speed limit signs to keep motorists and work crews safe during this project.
During construction:
- Speeds are reduced in the work area
- Flaggers may be present
- Motorists may experience delays
- A width restriction of 12 feet will be in place