Project Description
Last year, crews built the New Town Truck Reliever Route, which has alleviated congestion on Main Street. This year, crews will be working on Main Street in New Town to reconstruct the roadway and area surrounding the roadway.
This New Town Main Street Reconstruction project will include concrete overlay and widening on Main Street. The project will also include the reconstruction of shoulders, storm drains, curbs and gutters, sewers and water mains as well as replacement of lighting and signals.
Current Project Status
Beginning Monday, August 24, traffic will be shifted to the newly paved southern portion of New Town Main Street/(ND Highway 23) from East Avenue to the New Town Truck Reliever Route in New Town. This shift will allow crews to begin construction work on the northern portion of the roadway. Main Street underground and concrete roadway work has been completed from ND Highway 1804 to Park Place and is open to local traffic. Access to the east side of the intersection of ND 1804 and ND Highway 23 remains closed.
During construction:
- An 11-foot width restriction is in place from East Avenue to the New Town Reliever Route
- Motorists should expect delays
- Flaggers will be in place
- Speeds will be reduced
The New Town Main Street Reconstruction project will be completed in October 2015.